Personal Injury

College Apprentice Accident Settlement

Settlement: ÂŁ14,000

College Apprentice Accident Settlement

Top 10

Ranked top 20 out of 11398 solicitor firms in the UK.


What Happened?

Our client was an apprentice at a local college and working with another student. He was adjusting a machine when the other student turned the machine on when it was not safe to do so, causing our client injuries to his fingers.

How Tinsdills Helped

Liability was admitted by the college’s insurers. We then obtained a report from a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. The Claimant had the tip of his middle finger amputated and underwent three surgical procedures. He was off work following all three surgical procedures however only had a nominal wage loss. He was left with some slight sensitivity to the tip of his middle finger. His ability to grasp some items was impaired due to loss of the tip of his finger. The adjacent ring finger was left with a small scar.

The Claimant was an engineer and given the expert evidence we obtained, we argued that as a result of the loss of the tip of his finger, this may impede his future prospects in the labour market.


Our client settled his claim for just under ÂŁ14,000.

If you’ve been involved in an accident leading to personal injury, call us today on 01782 652300 or enquire online.

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Paul Woolliscroft

Paul Woolliscroft

Legal & Commercial Director

Megan Poyser

Megan Poyser

Senior Associate
