Personal Injury
Trip & Fall Claim Results In A Five-Figure Settlement
Settlement: ÂŁ10,000

What Happened?
Our client tripped and fell when their foot became caught on the remnants of a steel post. After resting they were able to return to work but were subsequently involved in a second accident which resulted in a fractured right wrist caused through injuries from their first accident.
Tinsdills Solicitor: Paul Woolliscroft – Paul joined our personal injury department in February 2010 dealing mainly with employers’ and occupiers’ liability claims.
How Tinsdills Helped
The local authority admitted liability in respect of our client’s right ankle/knee injury as the metal post ought to have been wholly removed and the remnants ought not to have been there.
They however refused to accept responsibility for the fracture to our client’s right wrist, notwithstanding the fact that we argued they were caused because the right ankle injured in the accident gave way causing our client to fall and sustain these injuries.
We sent our client to see an Orthopaedic Surgeon so that a report could be prepared which confirmed that there should be no further problems with either the right ankle/knee or our client’s right wrist.
The insurers acting on behalf of the Council, however refused to make any offers in respect of the right wrist injury and offered only £725 in settlement of our client’s claim.
We felt confident that a Court would link the two injuries and we therefore commenced Court proceedings to progress our client’s claim.
We entered into settlement negotiations with the solicitors who had been instructed by the local authority and we were eventually able to achieve a settlement sum of ÂŁ10,000 on behalf of our client.