Personal Injury

Shopper Injured in Supermarket Slipping on Grapes

Settlement: £3,000

Shopper Injured in Supermarket Slipping on Grapes

Top 10

Ranked top 10 out of 11638 solicitor firms in the UK.


What Happened?

Our client had gone to a supermarket with her parents and children.  She wanted to buy some grapes and as she approached the fruit and vegetable section her right foot skidded forwards causing her to fall over.

The accident was reported to the store who confirmed that grapes on the floor had caused our Client’s accident.

How Tinsdills Helped

We brought a Claim against the supermarket who denied responsibility suggesting that there were in fact no grapes found on the floor immediately after the accident. They also alleged that they had a ‘clean as you go’ policy and also undertook regular inspections of the floor with all staff having been trained to be vigilant of potential tripping and slipping hazards and to arrange the immediate removal of any such hazard.

Although the supermarket relied on this evidence they had no records of any routine cleaning having been carried out and we therefore brought proceedings against the supermarket.


Our Client’s evidence that she slipped on grapes was supported by her parents who were with her at the time. She suffered injuries to her right arm, neck and back as a result of the accident. Finally, as the date for the hearing approached, settlement was finally achieved with her receiving the sum of £3,000.

Call us on 01782 652363 or enquire online.

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Paul Woolliscroft

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Megan Poyser

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