Karen Wilson Celebrates Resolution Accreditation

Author: Tinsdills | Published: August 16, 2022


Tinsdills Solicitors are proud to announce that Senior Associate, Karen Wilson has successfully achieved re-accreditation by the Family Law Association, Resolution as a Specialist Member.

Karen has been an accredited member since 2010 and is required to undergo reassessment every 5 years in order to maintain the certification.

Founded in 1982, Resolution promotes a non-confrontational approach to family law issues in the knowledge that such approach will produce a better outcome for separating families and their children.

Karen Wilson is one of over 1200 recognised Specialist Resolution Members throughout the UK who are “recognised for having superior expertise in their given specialism of family law to provide the best support in resolving issues.”

This means that Karen is recognised as having demonstrated excellence in the field, with particular recognition of expertise in the areas of Private Children Law and Advanced Financial Provision.

Accreditation of this nature is no small task and requires demonstrable evidence through the form of a portfolio assignment as well as examination. Following this, Karen was also required to demonstrate detailed knowledge of the law and show skill and proficiency in her specialist areas.

Commenting on her accreditation, Karen said “as a family law solicitor with almost 30 years of experience I feel proud to continue to help clients out in a very difficult period of their lives drawing upon my specialist knowledge and professionalism. As an accredited specialist, clients’ can be reassured that my expertise is recognised not only by members of the public but also by fellow professionals.”

Managing Director, Peter Hamilton continues, “our Family team are dedicated to ensure clients receive the right advice, in the right way for them. Karen’s accreditation helps us to continue to support couples going through what can be the most difficult period of their life. By promoting cooperation between parties in a calm and reasonable environment, we can create the best chance to reach a constructive agreement amicably and efficiently between parties.”

Tinsdills Solicitors have a long track record of providing expert Family Law advice to clients, being one of the largest and most experienced firms in the area. The latest accreditation strengthens Tinsdills team of Resolution members as Karen joins colleague and fellow member, Helen Jackson in providing expert advice in relation to Divorce and Separation, Children Matters, Financial Provisions and Collaborative Law Services. 

To find out more about our Family Law services, and how we can support you contact us on 01782 983943 or complete an online enquiry form.

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